How long will it take to receive my order after I have placed it?

We deliver all products within the USA in 4-13 business days.

Some packages arrive within 10-20 business days of you receiving tracking information. Items will leave our warehouse 2-5 business days after an order is placed and you will receive tracking information for your order.

Your tracking information may show the same status for 2-10 days until it clears the appropriate customs in your respective country. After clearing customs you will see your tracking information update regularly. If there are any additional issues with your tracking after 10 days please email us.


Do you have a store locally in my country?

No, currently we are only an online business. We hope we have better prices and products than your local store! Our main priority is to provide you with an equal or better shopping experience than your local store as well. If you have suggestions please contact us. We love feedback!

Where do your items come from?

Our items come from several regions of the world. We have warehouse locations in the U.S. and Asia. Items may be shipped from either location contingent upon availability.

What countries do you ship to?

Currently, we ship worldwide. If there is an issue with shipping to your country we will let you know immediately and do our best to find a solution.